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Broken Collar Bone, Part I

Usual training day we were heading out for a very long bike ride from New York into New Jersey to upstate New York. I was feeling good and ready to hammer on the ride. After riding for a number of miles it was time to ride some hills, hard steep hills. As we were descending I looked at my friend Reggie and said I hate going down hills. At that very moment my front tire popped and I want down HARD, I couldn't get up my shoulder felt like jello. Needless to say I was supremely pissed off, after the anger passed which it did quickly the pain took over, pain like I never felt before. I was taken to nearest emergency room, I go to the emergency room like people go to out for fancy dinners. Nothing less than life threatening for me please. No doctor I don't have the bends today I think I have a few broken bones again.

It was my collar bone, a common injury for athletes mostly cyclists. Also considered to be most painful bone to break, being a regular at emergency rooms I have to agree. The pain brought me to tears like a little child. The bone was broken like someone taking wedge of cheese, a large surface area was exposed.

Back at home with my sister's care resting on the sofa watching cycling on TV. I could feel the bone rubbing when I moved too much. The pain would just make me break out in to a cold sweet. The pain medication didn't do much for the pain, so I had to pretend it wasn't happening me. Just my character in the move, despite the pain I figured their must be something I can do. My track coach once told me when life gets complicated always go back to the basics. The basics here were to focus on good nutrition, rest and icing my shoulder all the time.

I also had other injuries, everything on my left side was bruised. Large wounds on my leg, elbow on arm. Cyclist shave their legs for this reason so bandages can be applied more easily incase of an accident. Cyclist don't shave for performance, it's incase we crash. It makes it easier to remove dirty, apply and remove bandages.

A few days later my mind was the races I would be missing, Doctor Mark Klion the specialist told me I won't be racing in the New York City Triathlon. I was truly disappointed but I trusted Dr. Klion he was a fellow triathlete. Not only did he ask me how I was, he asked me how my bike was. At that point I knew he cared and I could trust him. It seemed to be a slow and painful road to recovery, the process was easy just not simple because I had to keep still. Keeping still was the hardest thing I have had to deal with. My sister was truly there for me, she stayed with me and took cared of me. The thing was that she didn't baby me too much, if I wanted to something on my own she let me.

The physical pain and not being able to move my arm was bad, but not being able to run, bike or swim to was worse. Weeks later things starting to feel better I am back to work doing little training what ever my arm can handle. At this point I knew racing was out not on the table I had to focus on getting better. I can't allow myself to feel frustrated or sorry for myself just had to keep hopeful. So I thought I had everything in good perspective until I ran into a friend she is dancer and runner. She wanted to get into triathlon and needs someone to train with, couldn't because I am injured. To look at her she has high energy full of life and positive energy. If she wants to climb a mountain or go sky diving she would, but she has a serious condition where by everyday things are a struggle. I have always been concerned for the people around me even if I don't like them too much.

This one of the first time I have every worried about someone else's well being if something was going to happen to them. The feeling of did she pass out today or is she in the emergency room. But everyday we would talk she was Okay. My broken collar bone is a spec of dust compared to her boulder. My sister worries about me a lot and she doesn't like the things I do like swimming from Alcatraz Island to shore with great white sharks and many other things. Know I finally understand, she worries about my safety. At the same time she wants me to do these things, because it gives me purpose I feel like I am living life.

As the days go by I saw improvements with my shoulder more movement and less pain. 7 days away from NYC Triathlon this race still wasn't in the cards for me at that point I had another race scheduled an aquathon (swim / run). When I did this race before I was a top finisher and now I could not race. I knew I had to race New York the only thing I could do was minor therapy to increase movement in my arm. It was long hard and painful. 5 days before NYC Triathlon I saw my doctor, he checked my mobility he liked what he saw and the x-rays looked good. Instead of a wedge of cheese he saw solid bone, I was cleared with caution. I felt like I won lotto, I went running and swimming the same day. My excitement for being able to race didn't match the way my body felt. I ran over 3 miles and I my legs felt like lead, in pool it was worse I could only do 300 meters. I had to get out of the pool holding my arm, the pain was like it broke again.

Just had to tell my self tomorrow is another day.

To Be Continued...

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