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Showing posts from 2008

Broken Collar Bone, Part I

Usual training day we were heading out for a very long bike ride from New York into New Jersey to upstate New York. I was feeling good and ready to hammer on the ride. After riding for a number of miles it was time to ride some hills, hard steep hills. As we were descending I looked at my friend Reggie and said I hate going down hills. At that very moment my front tire popped and I want down HARD, I couldn't get up my shoulder felt like jello. Needless to say I was supremely pissed off, after the anger passed which it did quickly the pain took over, pain like I never felt before. I was taken to nearest emergency room, I go to the emergency room like people go to out for fancy dinners. Nothing less than life threatening for me please. No doctor I don't have the bends today I think I have a few broken bones again.

Swimming in Hudson without Goggles

Great Hudson River Swim May 28, 2006, Water Temp 56 degrees Hudson River Battery Park - Lower Manhattan: The race was delayed 2 hours because of a another that started before us they had to pull over 40 swimmer out the race because the current to was too strong against the swimmers. By time we got the water 56 degree water with a mild 1.5 Knot current against us. First I felt the shock of the cold but after a few minutes it wasn't so bad.