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Showing posts from September, 2014

Little Red Light House Open Water 7.5 Swim

15 minutes Longer? A few days before the race, I received an email stating to all competitors the race will be 15min longer. Which was confusing because depending how fast you are, 15 minutes can mean anywhere from a 1/2 mile to a mile in distance. Or it could be that the current could be flat so you wouldn't have much of a push or the current could be against you so a mile will take you longer. For me it was too much to think about, considering all the other variables with a hectic life. Day of the race; the start time was at 3PM and checkin was at 1PM, it felt like an after school track meet. Normally I am up at the crack of dawn rushing to the race site. On my way to start of the race I stopped off at a Vitamin Shop to pick up some gels for the race. At the same time Rod Stewart and his son were in the shop, I was ahead of him, I paid and then quick moved to side so you can quickly purchase his nutrition bar. He noticed I recognized him and he said hello with a nice smile. I